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    Entries in auction (1)


    Flower art

    A friend asked me recently to consider creating a piece for a charity auction coming up for a great agency she's involved with volunteering for. I told her I'd mull it over -- what would I create, and how could I best represent what I do at this type of event?

    I starting playing this weekend, and my process evolved through some sketches and well, taking out every fabric I own and throwing it around the family room, and voila! I came up with flowers on canvas. Now, I do not think these will be the final pieces for the auction but I am liking the direction. It seems to have a fun, whimsical feel while allowing for tons of variety in color, texture and feel.

    I am wondering, how do these feel? Are they kitschy, fun, different enough to look like my art, but feel thoughtful and finished enough to work in an art setting?